FREE Egg Hunt > Hot dogs > Bounce House
The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 5:40 pm.
5:00 pm - Registration for egg hunt
5:40 pm - Egg Hunt & Hot dogs
6:15 pm - Outdoor Good Friday Service on the lawn

We will serve free hot dogs, chips and and WATER.
Precautions will be taken to keep the event COVID free, such as hand sanitizers available and fever check at bounce houses.
Please stay home if you think you may be sick.
Good Friday Worship Service in the Park
Following the Egg Hunt there will be a short Good Friday Service at Eastern Hills Park on the hillside that will include Bible readings about the meaning of Easter along with some songs from our City Church worship team.
Also, if you are looking for a church please join us on Easter Sunday in person or live on Facebook & Vimeo Sunday, April 4th at 10:15 am.
We meet in the annex of San Francisco de Asís Iglesia Episcopal (Episopal Church) at 11540 Ferguson Rd, Dallas, TX 75228. Park on the left side of church.